Blog Journal 6

     Both my middle school and high school had teacher websites for each teacher, though some websites were more in depth than others. This was not always bad, however, as not all classes needed detailed lesson plans or assignment descriptions. However, I have found that much of the information that was formerly seen on teacher websites at my High School has now been moved to Canvas, which I of course cannot see since I am not a student. However, the subjects and individual classes teachersteach are still mostly viewable. NBH Website 
      As an educator, I intend to use technology more as a means to administrate and organize my class, more than actually teach. My field is history, and I feel that minimal technology  is required to teach history when compared to other subjects. Software like canvas will be incredibly useful for organizing everything, but I don't see myself using much more than powerpoint on a day to day basis.
     I believe that the programing equipment at the technology sandbox will be very very useful for students in the coming years. Coding and programming are fields that will only grow, and teaching students the basics of these fields at a young age will give them a huge advantage. I know next to nothing about computer programming, and I think having been taught some very low level stuff in middle or elementary school would have made me far more comfortable with the subject going forward.
